by Nicholas Humphries on April 24, 2018

We are very pleased to introduce, created to help people navigate the sale of their home during what can be a very exciting and challenging time.

In 2018 it is projected that 31% of the Canadian population will be over 55 years of age, and we’ve noticed that an increasing number of our clients are planning for changes in their living arrangements as they retire. Each scenario is unique and interesting, of course, but we have found that the expertise and information necessary to make informed decisions was scattered and sometimes difficult to access.

Realistically, everyone RightSizes at various points in their life: You get a full-time job and move out of student housing, you start a family and need a place with more bedrooms, or you decide to buy a pied-à-terre in the city and a house in the country.

Throughout our lives we adjust the number of square feet to suit our needs. For some this may mean moving to a home that better complements their current and future needs, and for others it may mean adapting the amount of space they live in so that they can remain in the same community or with the same services and networks they’re familiar with.

Your relationship with real estate changes to fit your changing needs. That is RightSizing.

We also found that those in the role of executor or power of attorney were in need of a one-stop shop that answers questions and offers access to relevant resources. Selling your own home can be stressful, and selling someone else’s home is sure to be stressful if you can’t find the help you need. There is a section of this site devoted to executors and POAs, and we offer relevant support and expertise throughout this process.

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